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The Seven Lojongs with Zoltan Cser
October 29, 2024
October 31, 2024
The preliminary practices as preparation, including the series of mind trainings and especially the Rushens of body, voice, and mind, are an absolutely necessary prerequisite for practicing the path of Ati Dzogpa Chenpo.
The ‘seven mind trainings’ belonging to the texts of Dzogchen Nyingthig are distinguished because they are easier for beginners to apply than those of other systems and at the same time are also more effective.
Among those seven, six are concerned with contemplation of topics such as ‘Impermanence’, ‘suffering’ etc while the seventh makes use of methods that by controlling the activity of the karmic prana tied to inhalation and exhalation, directly enable one to recognize the wisdom of the natural state.
As it is said by the Great Chetsün, the meditative stability in the state completely beyond thought is the base whence all contemplation arises, just like a well-tended field.
Whoever practices these seven trainings will easily succeed, first of all to enter the deep and swift path of Atiyoga, then to put into practice without difficulty its fundamental points, and finally to integrate his or her mind with the teaching.
From 29/Oct/2024
To 31/Oct/2024
Onsite & Online*
This course operates on free donation basis, and your contribution is fundamental to support our efforts in providing valuable programs. In order to be registered you should offer a donation according to your means. If you have difficulties to donate in European currency, or to donate at all, you should fill the Request Form appearing at the bottom of the donation link.
GMT +00:00 Tenerife Time
8:00-9:30 am Yantra Yoga
10:00 am -12:00 pm Explanation and practice
4:00 -5:00 pm Pranayama
5:00 – 6:00 pm Practice
Evening: Vajra dance and Chöd (optional)
A.C. Dzamling Gar
Avda. Adeje 300, 38. Adeje Tenerife
Requirements: For those who have received teachings from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu or Yeshi Silvano Namkhai.
The course will be in English with Spanish and Russian translations.
Zoom Links & Replays
To receive the Zoom link in time for the course, you must register by 12:00 noon on October 28th. The Zoom link will be sent out that same day.
Please remember to check your SPAM folder.
For logistical reasons, Zoom links will only be sent to those who register on time. If you miss the registration deadline, you will only receive the replay link.
Replays will be available for one month.

Zoltan Cser is from Hungary, he is working as a vicerector at the Dharmagate Buddhist College in Budapest. He started to practice Buddhism in 1986 in a Chan lineage, he met our Master Chögyal Namkhai Norbu for the first time in 2002.
Zoli has been a member of the International Dzogchen Community continuously since 2004. In 2013 he became second level Vajra Dance instructor, in 2015 SMS Base instructor and in 2016 Yantra Yoga second level instructor.