Chöd Through the Lens of Tibetan Language

February 2, 2025


February 4, 2025

A detailed explanation of the pronunciation and literal meaning of the JOD practice text  with  Fabian Sanders

The explanation will take place from 7 to 8:30 PM. After each session, we will do the practice together.

Requirements: This course is meant for those who have received teachings from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu or Yeshi Namkhai.

This course operates on free donation basis, and your contribution is fundamental to support our efforts in providing valuable programs. In order to be registered you should offer a donation according to your means. If you have difficulties to donate in European currency, or to donate at all, you should fill the Request Form appearing at the bottom of the donation link. 

Zoom Links & Replays

To receive the Zoom link in time for the course, you must register by 12:00 noon on February 1st. The Zoom link will be sent out that same day 

Please remember to check your SPAM folder.

For logistical reasons, Zoom links will only be sent to those who register on time. If you miss the registration deadline, you will only receive the replay link.

About Fabian Sanders
Translator from Tibetan and teacher of classical Tibetan Language. He is director of the Atiyoga Foundation school for Tibetan Language and translation, academic director of the Shangshung Institute UK. He has published a variety of translations and essays on various topics concerning the Tibetan spiritual Tradition, about which he also gives talks. He is the author of the first Classical Tibetan grammar in Italian language: La lingua Tibetana Classica, ed. Hoepli, Milano, 2016.